Spoby 4 ever

Spoby 4 ever

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Blog! (Trabajo de Informatica) Evelyn Salazar (summeroflovees.blogspot.com) y Agustina Lemes (Yo)


El blog es una red social que nos permite colcar contenido personal, o realizado por el mismo usuario. Este sitio puede albergar información de todo tipo la cual se actualiza por el usuario. Al subir un archivo estos aparecen en el blog de forma cronológica inversa, osea lo ultimo que se público es lo primero que aparece a la vista del usuario en la parte superior de todas las publicaciones del blog.
Los blogs suelen disponer de un sistema de comentarios, que permiten a todos los lectores establencer una opinión sobre alguna publicación, mantener una conversación con el autor.
También se puede postear imagen JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. o estados, también videos, audios, citas, enlaces, etc. (este es el caso, pr ejemplo de Tumblr (un tipo de blog).
En los blogs como en muchas redes sociales puedes postear una imagen la cual otros bloggers (en este caso) pueden rebloggear o coentar y si la imagen se trata de algo en especifico a lo cual te interesa (como una cadena) al reblogearla (en el caso en Tumblr) aparece en tu Perfil de Blogger asi los demas usuarios pueden verlo y seguir la cadena.

Tipos de Blogs
Que es?
Blog Temático
Un blog temáticos aquel que se le da uso para publicar noticias o hechos transcendentes de la actualidad y también para comentar de estos.
Blog Personal
Un blog el cual tiene usos mas personales como un diario de vid o algo donde compartimos fotos y sucesos de la vida del actor
Blog Colaborativo
Un blog que es escrito por varias personas. Lo compartido es el registro de usuarios, los tags o clasificaciones del contenido y la apariencia del sitio.
Un fotolog es una especie de blog en que no se escribe mucho, sino a lo más un párrafo y lo mas importante del contenido es una foto que ilustra un momento del tiempo o un acontecimiento.

Ej de Blog: Aquí esta el Blog mas comun al que se puede ingresar a traves de una cuenta Gmail de Google, y se puede ingresar directamente por  www.blogspot.com y para ver directamente tu cuenta colocas www.(el-nombre-de-tu-usuario).blogspot.com
Puedes colocar diferentes temas cambiar el tipo de letra tamaño, puedes arreglar el diseño de tu blog y colocar en el lo que tu quieras.

Pasos para crearte un Blog:
-          Para crear un blog es imprescindible tener una cuenta de correo Gmail como mencione antes.
-          Entrar a la pagina www.blogger.com
-          Completar todos los datos pedidos por  la pagina, nombre, etc.
-          Crear una contraseña, para luego acceder a dicha cuenta.
-          Luego de haber creado el blog, para acceder a el entro a www.blogger.com e ingreso el usuario y la contraseña

EJ de otro BLOG: Tumblr

Aquí como muestra la imagen y como dijimos anteriormente

Se puede insertar:
-          Texto
-          Foto
-          Cita
-          Enlace
-          Chat
-          Audio
-          Video

Se le puede cambiar el tema con estilos geniales donde aparecera todo lo que rebloggeas y lo que subes.

Y Aquí una info. Sobre Tumblr (que es y como usarlo)

Desde algunos días he visto incrementada la cantidad de amigos y conocidos que usan Tumblr, otra red social que ha dado su salto a la fama hace solo unos años, aunque su origen se remonta al 2007, año en el que empezó a sonar con fuerza todo lo relacionado a blogs y redes sociales.
Pero, ¿Qué es realmente Tumblr? Nada menos que otra plataforma de interacción con gente conectada a Internet que quiere mantener una actualizada y activa vida en los medios a través de fotos, videos, chats, links e incluso videos, todo eso que te gusta de la Internet registrado en un solo lugar.

Tumblr incorpora el muy usado sistema denominado microblogging que consiste en compartir a través de palabras o frases cortas informaciones de otros bloggers que nos gustan, nos interesan e incluso hacer reblog (publicar en nuestros blogs) los artículos más resaltantes.
Principales características de Tumblr.
Es una red social en la que priman los contenidos de alta calidad, tanto las imágenes, los videos y los textos que se publican llevan un sello que los convierte en información valiosa y trascendente.
Es tal vez una de las pocas redes que permite insertar 7 tipos de contenidos tales como los mencionados anteriormente.

Love Is In The Air! ♥

PLL Lover :) ♥                                                                                                   

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Here, exec producer Oliver Goldstick tells TVLine exclusively why the current theory on ol’ Pretty Eyes is likely not the right one. Plus, find out what’s ahead in Season 3B of the ABC Family drama for Aria, Ezra, Hanna, Caleb, Emily and Paige and much more.
TVLINE: I’m calling Toby’s bluff. I think he’s infiltrating the ‘A’ Team as a way to help the girls. ----I’m not so sure about that. You’re going to find out some stuff in Season 3B… Don’t forget what those girls did. No one stood up for him when he was put away in juvie hall because of Alison. Those other four girls were passive; no one defended him or did anything. Just remember that
TVLINE: Interesting. I thought he was a double agent because when he left in the first half of Season 3, he said he was going to figure out what was going on regardless of what Spencer would or would not tell him. ---That’s true, that’s true.
TVLINE: But your advice to fans would be to not jump to that conclusion? ---Fans are going to learn more in 3B about Toby’s history and how he felt about being put away by Alison and her posse. The mystery of Toby, his motivation and why he’d do this to the girls is explored.
TVLINE: Why, then, would he come back and sleep with Spencer? ---People punish people for many reasons and on many levels… Just don’t put it past him, OK? He’s Jenna’s stepbrother, too. People really mess with people in Rosewood. [Laughs]
TVLINE: So, if fans were to go back and re-watch the series thus far, they would pick up on Bad Toby teases? ---I think they could, yeah. They could find moments that make them question and really doubt; moments that will make you say, “Oh my gosh, has this person been playing them all along?” — particularly Spencer, obviously.
TVLINE: Speaking of Jenna… Can we assume she is good-ish now? ---Maybe this mythology will help: Jenna left town in Episode 11 [of this season] because she was really scared of Nate. He realized that the only person who saw him leaving that backyard was the blind girl, so he thought he had a pass. And when he finds out that Jenna had been able to see, that scares the s–t out of him. If Jenna had stayed in town, Nate may have gone after her… The idea was that he felt exposed. As far as Jenna  goes, she had to leave town for her own safety. I’m not saying that’s the end of Jenna and you’ll never see her again, but she’s leaving for a bit.
TVLINE: The Maggie storyline was left way open in the finale. Is it safe to assume we’ll see Larisa Oleynik back next season? ---You will definitely see her in 3B. She will serve as a true threat to [Aria and Ezra’s] relationship. 
TVLINE: Secrets always come out on Pretty Little Liars… So, how in the world can Ezra forgive Aria for helping keep his son away from him — when and if he finds out? ---It’s explosive. It’s yet another huge obstacle for this couple. What we’re trying to tap into is that Aria’s out of her league here. This is something that most teenagers wouldn’t have to deal with — it’s a lot. It doesn’t mean it’s insurmountable, but it definitely is a game-changer.
TVLINE: Does that reveal come out pretty quickly in 3B? ---No. The longer you hold on to secrets, the worse they get.
TVLINE: Why did Emily rush past Paige in the finale, when she, too, was a victim? ---I wouldn’t read too much into that. It was a traumatic event… You know who is hurt now [Caleb], and [Hanna was] the person Emily wanted to comfort. Paige is fairly traumatized herself [in Season 3B]. And if you think her parents were strict before… She’s now going to be locked in a fort! [Laughs]
TVLINE: Are Caleb and Hanna now able to be out in the open with their relationship? ---More so, yes. We will address [after the Halloween episode] some of the questions you’re asking about ‘Haleb,’ whether they’re under the radar or above the radar… Because ‘A’s been watching them all along, anyway.
TVLINE: What about evil-ish Toby and Spencer? Are they sticking together? ---Oh, yes. And it’s kind of hair-raising because of how much they are letting him in and how intimate Spencer is with him… You know something the girls don’t.
TVLINE: Crucial question: How does Mona come in and out of the asylum so easily?! ---She’s a crazy wench. [Laughs] The thing about Mona next season, which is so great, is that she’s as smart as Spencer. She just uses her intelligence for very devious purposes. She’s a really bright girl… She’s like a little squirrel; she stores up her acorns, but they’re radioactive acorns that turn into hand grenades… Mona may also be back in Rosewood sooner than you think, [as is revealed in] our Season 3B opener. She’s back to torture our girls in a whole new way.
TVLINE: Are you comfortable confirming that we now know two members of Team ‘A,’ Mona and Toby, and that there is a possible third member whose back was to the audience in the finale? Yes.
TVLINE: Do you know who the third person is? Or is it something you’re still writing toward? -------We’re writing to it, but we know who it is.
TVLINE: Someone we know? ---Yes. You know this person, yes.
TVLINE: Let’s end on one of your signature vague-but-juicy teases for the coming season.
---I think the enemy being amongst us is a lot scarier than the enemy within. Season 3B is about what happens when it’s standing right before you — in your face and under your roof.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

El Diablo tiene nombre y es TOBY!

Spencer tendrá razón? Toby es realmente el diablo?, ha estado todo este tiempo junto a Mona? y solo estuvo con Spencer para sacarle información, o es que de verdad la quería? Tendremos que haberiguarlo en Octubre cuando PLL vuelva con el episodio de Halloween! Esperemos que Toby realmente no sea de Equipo "A".

Spencer is right? Toby is realy the devil?, he has been all this time with Mona? and just was Spencer's boyfriend to get Information from her, or is that he really loved her? We will have to figure it out in October, when PLL came back with the Halloween episode! Let's Hope That Toby doesn't really be of the A-Team.
I just heard TOBY is "A", Oh my god I'm falling apart!
Acabo de escuchar que TOBY es "A", Oh por Dios me estoy desmoronando!